Dear Spiders

I was told that the printing of Edition 4 would take ten working days from when I accepted the proofs - which I did on 6th August. I collected the books this afternoon! Maybe printers only work three days a week.

Anyway, I've got them now. Too late for today's post, but inspection copies will be on their way tomorrow to all the traders who took Edition 3, and parcels to those who have pre-ordered. More info at:

As a thank you to all Arachnes who have been so supportive of this project I am again going to offer copies of the book as raffle prizes. It's Edition 4 so four copies on offer - to anywhere in the world. Just send me an email with the word raffle in the subject line and I will ask my granddaughter to pick four names from a suitable container on Saturday 15th September. 12:00 noon British Summertime deadline.

Brenda in Allhallows, Kent

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