So sorry I just about missed the Arachne lunch - but we had to go shopping, and it was the one grumpy shuttle driver, who was on a "Work to Rule" session, I think, and would not come to pick us up from the store earlier than his 'set' time. Grrr!! Anyway, Devon came and sat with me while I ate my lunch, and showed me what she was talking about a week or so ago, about an exhibition of lace. Wow! She has the most marvelous Presentation, and it looks like an exciting project. Perhaps she will explain more, now, to us all so we can answer her original questions!!

I am having a great time at IOLI, enjoying every moment, though the Tatting class - doing it the Old Fashioned way, is stretching the brain a bit. I am glad we do tattin "our" more modern way, though learning the historical way is Very interesting! I love the History of Lace, and this is just another gem to add to my knowledge.

Regards, Liz in Philadelphia, USA  - normally in Melbourne, Oz.!!

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