It crosses my mind that we should probably report to arachne that you
will be teaching a bobbin lace class at the House of Wax Bar in
Brooklyn on July 28th. The event which is likely to be of interest,
although not exclusively so, to the Goth and Lolita community will be
followed by a lecture on Lace & Death that is free to the public.
The House of Wax Bar seeks to revive and evoke the feel of a
panopticum, a type of public exhibition which became popular in Europe
in the late 19th century. They showed wax figures and anatomical
models as well as other curiosities. The owner of the bar bought a
complete set of these wax models which had once been on display in
Berlin to put on display in the bar.. Here is an article from the New
York Times about the bar. This kind of bar would appeal to those
people who enjoy Atlas Obscura and the Museum of Morbid Anatomy (alas,
now closed.)  I myself am looking forward to settling in for the
lecture on Lace and Death with the cocktail named after the serial
killer, Fritz Haarmann, known as the Butcher of Hanover, in my hand.

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