Dear Lyn and Others interested,

Since you attended the IOLI Convention, you will be familiar with the
Chesapeake Region Lace Guild.  I think they were looking for  demonstrators at
the Maryland event in a recent newsletter, but I did not find  it on their
website.  Go to to _www.crlg.org_ ( .  There is a
"contact us"  option on the Events and Demonstrations page.

Or, go to your IOLI Members Handbook and find the section called  "Lace
Groups Listed by States, then other Countries.  You will find a  contact under
Maryland and another under Virginia.

The Finger Lakes Lace Group may have a contact for the New York State
Sheep and Wool event.  You reported that you attended this and will know  how
contact someone there, or look in the IOLI Members Handbook for  contact.

Jeri Ames  in Maine USA
Lace and Embroidery Resource Center

In a message dated 10/24/2011 5:13:43 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

I have  noticed that a very, very large number of lacemakers also knit.
same may go for weavers, but since bringing a loom for handwork  isn’t
practical, I don’t notice that as much.  Anyhow, there are  2 very
wool conventions in the middle Atlantic states, the  Maryland Sheep and
and the New York State Sheep and Wool.   I’m wondering about lace
demonstration in those areas, and have emailed  the Maryland Sheep and Wool
people to find out if one would have to pay  for demonstrating, since no
would be made by the demonstrator,  directly or indirectly.  It might
making lace with  laceweight yarn, but there are designs for such  things.

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