Hi Liz,I am no longer involved with the convention committee, having spent the
past five years as the Teacher Coordinator, so I am not in a position to find
out about the hotel or the schedule.  Looking at the schedule
online http://www.internationalorganizationoflace.org/Conventions/2016Conven
tion/Schedule/schedule.html  I can see a half hour on Tuesday evening after
the meal and before the Tat Off where we could meet, or maybe before the
Teacher Showcase.  I have no idea if packed lunches will be available this
year and whether we can meet during that time and eat together. Maybe we have
an Arachne member who is on the hosting guild and can help us out. How about
it Barbara?  Look forward to seeing you again Liz.Janice
<The Arachne Lunches at IOLI conventions is about the only place were a
number of us can meet, and is always a lot of fun.  I wonder if I ever met
Linda there......!
I hope to be at Convention this year, so I hope there is another Arachne
meeting, where I can meet some of you, again!

Janice are you organizing one? (said hopefully!!)

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz.
 Janice Blair Murrieta, CA, www.jblace.com 

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