Dear All,

I just want to thank everybody who has responded to my request for information about the lace industry and how it is changing. You have all given me some brilliant ideas and a great deal of information.

I felt as you had all made the effort to respond I should make the effort back in return to thank each of you individually. However I have had so many responses it's getting to the stage where doing this is becoming impractical. So I'd like to just say...

...Thanks so much to you all!!!

A number of people have asked if I am merely concentrating on the UK interest. The answer is no, I wish to talk internationally, but due to the fact I live in the UK and only speak English (and a bit of sketchy French), it will probably have a predominantly UK feel.

As well as a great many lace makers, I have had a few suppliers say they are happy to help, quite a number of whom live abroad (can I say that on the Internet? I mean abroad to me). Are there any other UK suppliers (thanks to those who have responded already) out there who are willing to answer a few questions, or merely give a recount of how they have seen the industry change over the years? For example, did your sales generally grow during the 70's, 80's etc then begin to fall? And why do you think such trends have occured?

It would be really useful if suppliers (or anybody else!) could respond and help me pick out any key trends that have occured in order for me to compile some background info.

And anybody with any thoughts/suggestions please share them, as they are all very much appreciated and they are all read and thought over!

Thanks again,


The original request follows:

Subject: [lace] Can anybody help?

My name is Julia, I am 21 years old, and have been making lace for the past 11 years. I am also a final year marketing degree student at South Bank University in London.

As part of my degree I have to write a 12,000 word dissertation, related to
marketing, on a subject of my choice.  It was recommended that this subject
be something I am particularly interested in, so, the obvious choice was

Over the past 11 years I have witnessed a growth not only in the number of
lace-makers around, but also the number of suppliers.  I have also been
reading 'Lace' magazine published by the Lace Guild, whose aims include the
promotion of lace-making.  Hence I thought it would be interesting to
investigate the growing importance of branding to suppliers, and to
investigate how marketing techniques can be applied to the effective
promotion of lace-making as a hobby.

I have searched the Internet and read copies of 'Lace' magazine dating back
to the year dot, however I am still having trouble finding enough relevant
information.  I specifically need figures, such as the first lace group was
formed in... the numer of suppliers has doubled over the past ? years...
There are now ?? more lace groups than ten years ago... etc.

Can anybody help please?

Any interesting websites?  Suppliers out there willing to help?  Other
magazines, maybe for suppliers in the industry, that may be of use?

All contributions would be GREATLY appreciated - I really need your help!

Many Thanks

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