Hello Again!  Thank you David for re-posting the links from the previous year's 
Couvige!  Loved reviewing the article & pics.  Unfortunately, all my travels to 
France predate my interest in lace & DH is not thrilled about revisiting the 
continent.  :-{  I still can't believe we were so close & yet so far from 
Queyras at one point!  BUT--I must ask--is this an "invitation only" couvige or 
open to all?  And how to get on the mailing list for events like this?  Or 
could details be posted to Arachne without being "commercial"?  Thanks also for 
posting the link to the PieceWork hearts.  Eye candy--Yum!  I must say, this 
was a very juicy "issue" of Arachne today!!  I always look forward to the 
banter, but the links--well they are often divine.  Sincerely, Susan Hottle, 
still in Florida          

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