On Saturday and Sunday six of the Land of Lincoln Lacemakers in Illinois did a 
demonstration on behalf of the Illinois Arts Council.  We had a great time, 
made even more pleasant in that we were paid to demonstrate, plus our meals, 
travel and hotel were paid for by the Arts Council.  Everything was so well 
organised even down to the large cooler containing bottled water by our canopy 
which was greatly appreciated as we worked in the sun and heat.  With six 
present, we were able to enjoy seeing the delights of Bishop Hill, a village 
that was originally a Swedish communal settlement, along with viewing the other 
exhibitors work and listening to the many folk singers that performed in the 
main stage area.  The lacemakers were required to speak on the Narrative stage 
and demonstrate on another stage whilst answering questions, plus we also had 
pillows set up for our time slot in the childrens area.  The talks were for a 
lot longer than we thought but our members put on a good
  Saturday was glorious weather but Sunday started with a thunderstorm.  Most 
of the other exhibitors set up their displays in various indoor venues but as 
soon as the rain had passed we set up our lace exhibits and sales table back in 
the park.  As there was little to see in the park we became the main attraction 
and a magnet for the many tv cameras that came by.  The Illinois Arts Council 
was making a documentary movie and Arachne, Sylvie Nyguen became our 
spokesperson and did a great job for the interview.  We were all hard pressed 
to keep quiet whilst she answered the very intelligent questions of the 
camerman.  He then came to each of us in turn and asked about our lace.  We 
were making a variety of laces on different types of pillows.  Arachne Diane 
Williams was working Ipswich lace on a bolster pillow.  I was doing a Jean 
Leader circular Beds rose design from her new booklet using lots of bobbins.  
Others were doing Russian, Torchon, yardage or tape laces We
 overheard a tv group from WTTW, the Chicago public broadcasting station, ask 
for use of his footage so we might see ourselves on their programming at some 
time in the future.
  After I got home I had a call from Diane to say that she had seen me featured 
on the CBS Channel 4 station from the Quad Cities.  I am out of that area so 
did not see it.  It seems they opened with a close up shot of a Beds design of 
mine which filled the tv screen and then showed Brenda Glenn and I working at 
our pillows.  If you want to see that design you will have to come to the IOLI 
convention in 2008!  I think Brenda and I were the only ones manning the table 
when the Channel 4 camerwoman came by.  I showed her my prize winning table 
ribbon, Ribbon du Vin, but she had packed her camera up by then.  The ribbon 
was closely filmed by the Arts Council guy but I am not sure if and when that 
footage will be seen.  We are all hoping that we are asked back again when the 
folk festival is being held in Illinois in 3 years time.  We exposed hundreds 
of people to lacemaking and never once had a visit from the tatting lady.  
Maybe everyone should ask their state arts councils
 if they need demonstrators, it might be a good opportunity to further the 
cause of lace.

Janice Blair
Crystal Lake, 50 miles northwest of Chicago, Illinois, USA

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