Perhaps the following may clarify who is "Kant in Vlaanderen" and the magazin Filum:

This is the description appeared on a text from UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL ORGANIZATION about a Provisional list of non-governmental organizations and non-profit-making institutions:

The organization “Kant in Vlaanderen” (KiV) was founded in 1997, for coordinating, optimizing and stimulating all sorts of initiatives around lace and related techniques. The organization groups the academies, schools, centres, local clubs, traders and individual interested persons around the theme “lace”. The association is officially acknowledged as a representative for the lace-sector within the Flemish community and act in this way as its speaking tube. The organization has got as goal to lend an important contribution developing and preserving the cultural inheritance “lace” in all his aspects. It wants to support the efforts which are been made in concern of the scientific studies and with the improvement of the lace-quality. It wants to support the academies, schools and associations and promote their activities in inland and abroad. KiV organizes exhibitions in inland and abroad and organizes lace contests for youth and adults with the purpose of promoting "lace" as an creative trade. It organizes workshops and lectures. Studies and research around lace are supported and encouraged. Members are being informed through the quarterly journal “FILUM”. KiV vzw wants to profile as coordinator for activities through members in inland and abroad. With her activities KiV moves in the domain of cultural spread, folk development and folk culture.

More information (just in Dutch):


Carolina de la Guardia
Witch Stitch Lace

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