Sue, try Alex. Stillwell's new Floral Bucks book. I think there is a garter
in there.

Jeri, - your knowledge and advice is invaluable, and we are so lucky to have
you on the list to 'educate' us .  I have been on the receiving end of your
kindness and thoughtfulness, and those 2 little words "Thank You" are so

When I was teaching Needlelace at the Bethesda convention a few years ago,
jeri asked if she might visit my class, and show a piece of needlelace from
her collection. Of course I said Yes - Please!!! (I have massive
curiosity...) She brought in a Huge piece - a curtain - one of a pair, all
worked in needlelace, - and those in my class were amazed at the work.  
I did not know such a piece existed, so it was not asked for,  -- this was
just Jeri being kind, thoughtful, and knowledgeable about the subject, as
she was able to give us some background about it. Fantastic.

So I won't hear a word against her. We are SO lucky to have her on the list
- and not as a lurker, but as a contributor.

I have to change the email address whenever I reply, as the alternate
lace@dont.panix  address automatically comes up, so I have to then get it
changed to the  lace@arachne address. No great drama, - so why the fuss?

Grumpy people - go elsewhere, - this list is for nice Lacemakers only!  :)

Regards from Liz in Melbourne,Oz.

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