Dear Arachnes and Gon,

I have just completed your Insertion Week #38 2015 and I am so happy with
it! I used black Gütermann silk thread, and for the gimp, a
silver-with-a-strand-of-black thread that I picked up at a "free" table
somewhere. The gimp looks almost pewter-colored. The silk thread
practically tensions itself.

I configured it into a bookmark, and used a finish that I found in Rosemary
Shepherd's book *Introduction to Bobbin Lacemaking*, on page 76-78. In this
finish, rather than weaving the thrown-out pairs down the outside of the
bookmark and bundling them at the bottom, the thrown-out pairs become
passives, part of the sewing edge, until they are well anchored, at which
time they are thrown out.

Thank you so much for such a beautiful pattern! I'm already deciding what
color to make it in the next time! I will keep the black one, but the next
one will be a gift for someone special.

Best regards,
Sally Jenkins,
Creswell, Oregon, USA, where I planted tulip bulbs today - another link to
The Netherlands :-)

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