Now you have me Really worried about posting my entry for next year's contest!

I seem to have been lucky, so far - Touch Wood - with posting lace to Helen for the Co. State Fair. - and posting gifts for the family for birthdays and Xmas.

I was warned ages ago, Not to register items, as it made them more noticable, so I just put them in an envelope and hope for the best. On the customs slip I just put doily, mat, or handkie, or whatever. I do Not specify lace, leave alone Handmade lace!

I have no idea how one would value lace. I work on the approximate number of hours (including making the pricking, and winding bobbins, and multiply by $10 per hour ( what craft people usually quote, though it should be much more than that, if you add in the skill factor) then I double that number if the piece won a prize at the show, etc.

People ask how much I would charge to make them a piece of lace, and have a fit when I quote a figure! They expect to get a large table-centre-type doily for $5. I ask them if they work for 2c an hour, and they look shocked when I say - "Well why should I?" - They think that just because it is a hobby.........!

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz
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