Right again!  I was just saying to a friend that it would be  Susan Hottle 
who would be the first to share her experiences at the IOLI  Convention.  
Should have put money on the prediction.
Where are all of you who have been so helped here on Arachne?  Some  
additional feedback would be lovely.  It is unfair for Susan to be expected  to 
bring us the only "news" report.
A few of us who know a lot about lace and some about computer  "diseases" 
have been repeatedly warned about FaceBook's security lapses.   We do not 
subscribe and are unlikely to do so.  In my 80th year, I have no  intention of 
being painted into a corner - to join.  
Members expect IOLI's Bulletins to fulfill the responsibility of  bringing 
printed news to us, and I hope the new Editor will receive a  lot of help.  
This is an unpaid volunteer position (and Editors are the  ones who usually 
do the lion's share of work for any guild).  Thank Heaven  a volunteer for 
this critical position has come forward, because the need has  been great and 
this is the permanent way IOLI documents its  history from year-to-year.  
For those who do not attend conventions, the  Bulletin is often the only 
contact they have with IOLI. 
My pleas for help in bringing the lace of today to the world always fall on 
 deaf ears (witness the dearth of sharing on Arachne).  Please help the new 
 Editor to keep the IOLI bulletin in print.  This is not a one-person  job, 
and "letting someone else do it all" will not guarantee success.
Jeri Ames in Maine USA
Lace and Embroidery Resource Center
In a message dated 7/23/2017 1:35:46 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  
hottl...@neo.rr.com writes:

What an  invigorating, whirlwind week!   Devon posted a large number of  
photos to IOLI FaceBook so you can get an idea.  Devon's lace exhibit  
proposal has been accepted by a museum in NJ & we got to see her  presentation. 
Funding is needed so if you can help or have ideas, I'm  sure they would be 
welcome.  Susan  Hottle

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