Hello All!  The internet is a maze of links, some of which I followed this 
evening--only to stumble upon some interesting stuff.  Of course, I'm not sure 
how I got there but took some notes in case anyone else wants to follow the 
trail of bread crumbs!  My starting point was
 http://italian-needlework.blogspot.com  There is a long list of links on the 
left column including:  tombolo disegni, fiore tombolo & Virtual Museum of 
Textile Arts.  There's plenty of needlelace, bobbin lace, reticella etc. etc.  
There's also a little blurb on a Burano Needlelace exhibit in Vicenza.  Hope 
these are new-to-Arachne links & not reruns!  Have fun.  Sincerely, Susan 
Hottle, Palm Beach Gardens, FL USA   

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