Hi All

Just thought I'd let you all know about the fantastic Lace Day I attended
last week on the outskirts of Barcelona.

Carolina told us all about it back in Feb and as it coincided with our
wedding anniversary DH and I decided that a long weekend in Barcelona
sounded like a good idea. Selina (who started making lace in Sept) and her
DH decided to come too.

We arrived in Barcelona on Thursday and spent the following 2 days
sightseeing, by Sunday we were shattered by the amount of walking we had
done. We still didn't see half of what we wanted (opps, might have to go
again, VBG).

Sunday morning saw us up bright and early to get to the station to catch the
train. Carolina had given me directions and we'd arranged to meet at
10.15am. Getting to the station and finding the platform proved easy, now
for getting on the right train. Easy - find a lacemaker and follow her. We
had a choice of hundreds to follow! I've never seen so many lacemakers
crammed into such a small space before. All with pillows of varing shapes
and sizes, many of them being transported in shopping trollies or on luggage
wheels (now there's a good idea that needs following up).

The train arrived and on we all piled on, a few lucky ladies got seats, the
rest of us stood,fairly comfortably, hanging onto the handrails etc. Next
stop - another couple of hundred lacemakers get on! What a squeeze! If the
train had stopped suddenly no one would have fallen down as there wasn't any
room! One more stop and it looks like we're there -the train empties
completely apart from a few bemused holiday makers who had caught it at the
airport. We join the end of the queue to get out of the station, 20 mins
later we emerge onto the street and what a sight awaits us just acroos the

Three long rows of trestle tables and chairs, divided into zones so that you
could find where you were sitting, going down the middle of the road. A long
row of gazeebo's on the right where the vendors were doing a roaring trade
and thousands and thousands of lacemakers. The day was bright and sunny, but
not too hot (the previous Sunday it poured with rain, so we were lucky). We
were a few minutes early, so we sat down and waited to see if we could spot
Carolina. She found us and it was great to meet her.

Carolina took us across to the vending area and explained how the lace day
worked, we chatted for a while in a mixture of English and Spanish (or was
it Catalan?). DH and I discoved that Catalan is similar to Italian so we had
no real problem understanding her. Then we went our seperate ways.

We solved the problem of where to start by working our way down the vendors,
just looking first time round and then back again sending far too much
money. Then on to the lacemakers. Pillows of all shapes and sizes, lace of
every description, though predominately white torchon. Groups of lacemkers
who had all dressed their pillows the same way, groups of lacemakers with
matching hats, groups of lacemakers with matching t-shirts. Groups of
lacemakers with banners on their tables - what a wonerful sight. Lots of
fantastic lace being worked and lots of lace being displayed. The camera was
well used and I'll be putting photos up on the PBLC site shortly. We stopped
and chatted (well sort of) to many of the lacemakers and my supply of
spangled bobbins was given away very swiftly. Most of the lacemakers were
not familiar with Midlands bobbins and found them fascinating.

5 hours passed quickly and we headed back to the train early so as to beat
the rush. A fantastic day, one which I hope to repeat another year. Now I'm
looking for lace days nearer home in the south of Spain - not sure when and
where they happen.

Sorry to have gone on so long

Pam Mattioli
In sunny Vera Playa, Almeria, Spain

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