I have only done buckspoint and I don't know anything about chantille,
anyway I do have experience with lots of passives on the head side of the
lace. When I get more than four passives I work a whole stitch through the
first pair of the passives and then threat the next three pair like a single
thread and hold one pair up the next down the next up and so forth until the
last pair before the pico. I work a whole stitch with that pair and make the
pico. On the way back I only bring the pair that made the pico through the
first two or three pair, not usually all the way back into the lace. I use
one of the closer pair to go into the lace.

I am doing a large piece now that has lots of passives in the head side and
I am just taking out some of the pairs when I get more than about 6 or 7 and
adding them again when I need them down farther in the lace. But I am
lacing rather alone and don't have good input into what is done in these
situations. I know that lacemakers used to have solutions to these problems
and talked about them like I talk about how to deal with pet hair now.

Your idea about putting a pin in to hold the threads of the bobbins you
aren't using has made all the difference for me in this project. I don't
know why I didn't think of that. I am having my husband make me some of
those huge "pins" out of hangers for me. One advantage of using those is
that they keep the bobbins in order and I won't have to spend so much time
straightening them out when I change places to work on.

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