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No Janis - not yet. This is still the history of Europe and how lace started there and moved through Europe and the UK. History of Lace II will be on Maltese Lace only. This is part of a two-year part-time Diploma in Lace Studies at the University of Malta and we've just completed our first semester - well started the second now. Unfortunately since it is being done at uni it is more academic than practical. At the moment we are doing Conservation and Restoration of Textile and soon we will begin History of Needlelace and History of Costume and Vestments......fun
Karen in Malta
Well I wish you the best of luck in your studies. Since my one visit to the Lace Summer School in Gozo, I realise what a lot of history and lace history there is in Malta and Gozo. It will be great to be an authority on it. Maybe you will publish a thesis on it?
Janis in South Africa

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