On Jun 28, 2005, at 20:36, Clay Blackwell wrote:

And if I'm not mistaken, the list was chronological.

Yes, it was, but only up to a point. If you unsubscribed and then resubscribed (for whatever reason), you lost "seniority", and went back to the end of the queue :) So, after a year or so, if you took a couple of holidays, or had been involuntarily unsubscribed, you ended looking like a newcomer <g> I subscribed - for the first time - June 15, '95 (took my son full 24 hrs to stop laughing and *help*, when I complained that all my attempts came back rejected. Well, how was I supposed to know that one didn't address the Majordomo as "Dear Sir"?) But, within 6 months, I was no longer #56 on the list; I changed providers and e-address, unsubscribed the old one and subscribed the new and, abracadabra, there I was, somewhere in the middle hundreds...

Re: first Anniversary Commemoratives... Some of us might not have felt - at the time - that the ones coming out of UK and painted by Margaret Wall were as "legitimate" as the ones done by JoAnne Pruitt in the US, but '96 was, indeed, the year in which *two* Commemorative bobbin styles were available (which is why I got both; "belt and suspenders" being safer <g>).

Afterwards, we only had one "true" one, because the maker, design, etc no longer went through the "committee of 200" (yes, that's about all the membership there was at that 1st anniversary <g>). JoAnne took charge, did all the negotiations, and made sure that all who wanted to make them got a chance to bid, and that the best bid would win - take it or leave it, that design and maker was *it* for that year. Much easier all around :)

The "special occasion" bone bobbin that Clay mentioned was, I think, an Archer one, for "Arachne '98" gathering in Nottingham, UK. Like the 1st Anniversary Commemorative, it was also commissioned by Pat Hallam, who organised the whole adventure. Those were the days... I've not seen some of the *American* friends I met there, since; never mind the Brit ones...

Tamara P Duvall                            http://t-n-lace.net/
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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