I am happy to think that the recent thread on Madame Goubaud may have
introduced new lacemakers and researchers to what we all call "the Arizona
site."  It was a wonderful project, keeping me busy for several years during
which I learned a lot.  However, I must respond to Jenny's kind words:
In a message dated 6/11/2017 2:24:35 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,
je...@brandis.com.au writes:

It was  only when I was comparing the 2 sites work that  I really
appreciated just how much work Tess Parrish had done removing all the
background colour from the scans, thus making it much more  readable.

To see what I mean, compare these 2 copies of the same  scan


Jenny, none of this would have been possible without the patient tutelage of
Ralph Griswold. It was he who took the scans and turned them into the
readable, downloadable books and other documents that we all enjoy today.  All
I did was to follow his directions and he then worked his computer magic to
finish the job.

So we all have Ralph Griswold to thank for all that he has left behind as his
legacy to weavers and lacemakers everywhere.  The University of Arizona
recognizes this treasure, and Ralph's good friend John Cropper is still
monitoring the site. Anyone wanting to add to it with their own contemporary
work (Brian Lemin has done so, among others)can reach John at
john.p.crop...@gmail.com.  The rule Ralph adhered to in respect to copyright
was that nothing could be used that was published after 1922, but of course
with the author's permission that restriction doesn't apply. So I do hope that
we see more contemporary work on the site as time goes on.

Tess Parrish (tess1...@aol.com) in Maine, USA,  where the thermometer hit a
record 92'F yesterday--unbelievable!

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