Dear Arachnes

With everything else that's happening at the present time I'm a bit late in sending out this invitation to join the next round of Secret Pals. The new round will start in January 2005 and I will endeavour to have all the pairings done by 2nd or 3rd, so please start thinking about your first package NOW if you wish to join. The deadline for applying is midnight 31 December/1 January (UK time)

If you have any questions please contact me at [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
please include the words Secret Pal in the subject line so that the messages
go into the right mailbox on my computer.

If you choose to participate please save this message.



For the newbies, a Secret Pal is a person you send gifts to anonymously
for five months, then reveal your name with the sixth package. You would
be receiving gifts from a different person than the one you send to. The
thank you's for received gifts are to be posted to Lace-Chat.

The gifts are supposed to be tokens of friendship, not expensive items.
Favorite things to send are sweets/candy, chocolate, tea, bobbins, thread,
regional specialties, pin cushions, small pieces of lace or bookmarks, patterns,
notecards, toiletries etc. It's also nice to include something about the
area in which you live, pictures of your lace and in the final package maybe
a photo of yourself. Anything you like will probably be liked by your Secret


I am Brenda Paternoster from Kent, England and it's my second time as Secret Pal



Arachnians who wish to participate should apply by 31st December. I will try
to have the secret pal assignments out by 3rd January so the packages have time to
be assembled. They should be mailed by 5th January.

This exchange will run from January 2005 until June 2005 when you will reveal
your identity. This is a SIX-MONTH COMMITMENT.

To apply, send an email message to  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  with the
following information:

1. Your name

2. Email address

3. Complete mailing address

4. For USA applicants only, preference for USA or overseas pal. (Remember, overseas
has larger postage costs and takes longer to be delivered). Because most people prefer
an overseas pal this option will not be available to non-USA people

5. Affirmation of the following statements:
_________I have read and understand the rules of participating.
_________I will mail my packages by the 5th of each month.
_________I will email a thank you message to Lace-chat within
         THREE DAYS of receiving each package.
_________I will notify the coordinator immediately if something will
         prevent mailing my package on time or if I have to withdraw.
_________I understand that I will be summarily removed from the round
         if I fail to fulfill my agreement.

6. Give a brief bio of yourself to assist your Pal in selecting items
for you - stage in life, family, pets, favourite activities, favourite colors,
types of lace you make or like, non-lace hobbies, pierced ears or not, food
allergies or diet restrictions (no nuts, sugar, chocolate, etc), preferred
bobbin styles if you do BL, and anything else you wish to share. The more info
you give about yourself the easier it will be for your secret pal to choose
goodies for you.

7. Please tell me the names of people with whom you have already been paired
with in previous rounds of secret pal exchanges.


1. Please be prompt in mailing by the 5th of each month so that your secret
pal gets the package by the 15th of the intended month. It is depressing
to expect a package and not get one. If you must be late, email me
[EMAIL PROTECTED] before the mailing deadline so your special pal
can be notified.

2. Include a real, usable return address, not your own. Mine will be fine
for UK use. Overseas please find a friend who will let you use his/hers.
All packages need a return address in case of delivery problems. Packages
sent abroad should bear the necessary customs declaration.

3. When the package arrives, as soon as possible post a brief note to
LACE-CHAT (not Lace!!!) to say Thank You. This lets your sending pal know
that it was safely received. It's not necessary to write a long message--
just acknowledge the package. You can send your thank you messages to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] even if you don't take chat.

4. Pack carefully. A padded bag may not protect a fragile item. Liquids
aren't good in containers going overseas, and are not recommended in any
package. UK's Royal Mail states that anything "resembling a powder" is best
avoided or at least double wrapped.

5. If you have not received a package by the 20th, tell the administrator
so she can find out what has happened. If a person cannot continue the
exchange, the pal will be given to someone else so he/she will not be left
out. Please let the administrator know if you cannot continue.

6. It is nice to include (or send separately) a personal note to your
secret pal. Be aware, a letter included inside a package could cost extra
postage, at least in the USA. From UK small packets are OK with a letter.
You may choose to send the letter in an envelope separately.

7. Enjoy!!  It's fun to receive mystery packages, and to send them.

Brenda Paternoster in Kent England
Arachne Secret pal administrator

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unsubscribe lace [EMAIL PROTECTED] For help, write to

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