Just a note to let you know that my latest flurry of writing and upgrading of
articles to the Arizona site is as follows”:

The Lace Bobbins of East Devon, 22 pages.

This started life as a possible booklet many years ago.  It is time I put it
up for general reading.  I have to say that though it deals with topics
somewhat superficially, it is probably the only general account of East Devon
bobbins that has been published.

A Quick Analysis of Decorations upon 'Pale' Wood Bobbins, 2 pages.

We have never really come to grips with the names of bobbin makers or bobbin
decorators for East Devon bobbins.  It is a topic that I have been struggling
with, and continue to do so *I have an article currently in progress that i
hope will build on what knowledge we have about the topic*.  This article is a
bit *something and nothing*, but I have found in my professional life, that if
someone starts with an idea, or writes something, it is a start and can be
built upon.  This is one of those *starter* thought bubbles.

The Batavia, re-visted, 5 pages.

This was on lace-fairy for some years, so in order to keep all my stuff in one
place I have put it up here.  There is a bit more to say about those bobbins,
but I am a bit stifled at the moment with not getting good communication with
the WA Maritime museum and some copyright problems i have with comparable
bobbins *the Ely finds*.  There is not a lot to say about them but the bobbin
story is not quite finished.

Lemin, Brian. and Smith, D.  A Most Unusual Lace Bobbin from a Surprising
Source, 18 pages

I am delighted that the  “lady behind any successful man” has finally
agreed to have her name as an author on this article.  It is a good story, it
wanders in and out of history, amazing craftsmanship and, as always, come to a
slightly less than a firm conclusion.  None the less, I think we are on to a
reasonable supposition.  Anyway, it is a great bobbin, I wish i owned it!

As I am self proclaimed “righter of wrongs”  For some time I have
concentrated on telling readers about the “other” English lace bobbins,
the “Honiton” bobbins or as I insist the “East Devon” bobbins.

Below are two of my earlier articles on the subject of East Devon that Arizona
hosts for me

East Devon Bobbins, 9 pages

Ghosts and Smugglers of East Devon v2, 3 pages.

Future articles will be about:

Honiton Gimp bobbins   Many of these are beautiful and very old too *Yes i
used the “Honiton” word!  I think it is because I am into the “lace”

Stains used on ED bobbins *Don't get excited about this, it will be very

Possible ID of decorators and turners of ED bobbins  *This will be a

Can i end by saying a thankyou to more than a few of you helped me retrieve
Batavia and who have shown interest and practical help in a few of the above

Just a para of chit chat.....

It is Sunday here and Jean and I have been to a quilt show and now i am off,
by myself, to see a film.  I like “off beat” films which in Australia we
call “not on general release”  It means only a few cinemas choose to show
them.  Don't get the wrong idea about the possible topics of such films, (!)
maybe i should call them “Art Films”? eg  I saw Hannah Arendt last week.
Most thought provoking.


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