Gidday Janice and all,

>As the digests seem to be few and far between maybe I can ask everyone what
lace related items they received for Christmas?

>From my DH I got 3 bobbins, including a lovely mother & babe (the babe is
aluminium), as well as the first in a 6-month bobbin club subscription.
>From my MIL in Australia (also a lacemaker of many years) I received a
lovely reel of silk thread and a pair of bobbins turned by her friend's
husband, and from a lacemaking friend in South Africa a packet of
Witwatersrand Lace Guild cards with a picture of a Bucks Point piece on

We still have some gifts to come as our mail comes once a week via a courier
company in Miami, and with the Christmas rush some things just didn't get
here in time - and going by the amount that has gone through our bank
account marked "Catchpin Lace..." I think I have something else lace-related
coming - not complaining either!  I subscribed a while back to Piecework but
am still waiting to receive any of those, so I consider that
lace/craft-related as well.  Oh and a few days before Christmas I received
the latest Australian Lace Guild magazine, which my mum forwards on from Oz.

I have been busy trying to get Miss Channer's Mat done - am down to the last
bottom flowers now.  I have uploaded several progress shots on to the
Webshots site if anyone would like to see how it has been coming along. I
have 28 days to finish it before I go to Australia to visit the kids!

an Aussie living in hot, tropical Suriname

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