I'd like to weigh in an this one.
As a full time visual artist, and former Professor at Georgian
College of Art and Design, we spent some time with the copyright
issue. Your art teacher is right. If you design anything original ( or
paint ) the design is yours as is the image of the design.
Moving this to lace because it's lace related.
Further to any remarks I may have made about copyright on a painting
I'm now pretty sure I was wrong in my first posting to lace-chat about
this and that the right to copy remains with the artist, unless the
contract of sale specifically includes
Hi, we are one of the biggest designers of Torchon lace patterns. They are,
in English law, copy right. You may not copy at all without our permission.
We tell our customer we don't mind them copying the bought copy for their own
use. It is illegal to copy and give away copies and it is ill