Thank you Karen, exactly what I have been looking for.
From: Karen Thompson
Sent: Thursday, December 7, 2017 4:03 PM
To: Alex Stillwell
Subject: Re: Bucks prickings
The lace in the photos is 1.5 cm wide. With the extra row of holes it can be
made 3.5 cm wide.
Let me know if you want o
unfortunately, I was only given the prickings.
This is an interesting idea?
From: Jane Partridge
Were any of the prickings shown alongside lace made from them?
pricking alternate pinholes, and second rows not being complete, could
result in the pricking for a different grou
Were any of the prickings shown alongside lace made from them?
I'm just curious because what is being described as pricking alternate
pinholes, and second rows not being complete, could result in the pricking for
a different ground to what we know as point ground? In one of the books (I
can't rem