In a message dated 21/03/2005 14:18:17 GMT Standard Time, Devon writes:

> So I thought I would say I do volunteer work in the lace collection 
> of  the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The first person I tried this on said 
> "what  collection?". I had to repeat the word "lace" for him several times 
> as he 
> failed  to grasp what I was speaking of. Finally, I said, "the white stuff" 
> thus  confirming that he was not going deaf or failing to recognize an 
> exotic 
> word.

I've been inmy new job for just under a year now and made a point of not 
mentioning any main hobbies outside of my initial interview - I work with 
in their 20s and my clients are all 16 - 25 yr olds too so their idea of a fab 
night is clubbing and drinking and having babies - boy do I feel old and I'm 
still their side of 40!

Anyway, it came up that I needed to book leave as I need to attend a lace 
event that will require me being at a venue for a long weekend, having just 
joined the committee and promised that I would be present. As we have to travel 
some distance the Aussie suggested that we make a week of it and travel around 
(although I'm having to explain to 

So of I trog to work and check that no one else is off that week, which was 
fine however, we work a policy that if you desperately need leave then you can 
negotiate with whoever is booked off unless they can't change their dates - 
it's a nice polite way of doing things so I had to explain to our admin that 
these dates were not movable.  One of the administrators asked the simple 
question 'Oh, why?  What are you doing?' ... which put me, a person used to 
up and teaching any subject off the cuff on the back foot - I had to explain 
that I was on the committee for a major international lace group and this was 
their convention weekend erm and erm.

What I didn't expect was the fact that they were so interested and I ended up 
talking through the different types of lace that I make or could make.  

This has left me with a positive feeling about what I can tell people - ok 
they aren't going to ask to be taught to make it - they are still too focused 
clubbing and drinking but then that's fine, I respect that but they also 
respect the fact that I make lace!

BTW - I'm not sure if this thread should be moved to chat now or are we still 
within the lace remit?


Liz in London

I'm back blogging my latest lace piece - have a look by clicking on the link 
or going to

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