On May 20, 2006, at 11:44, Margot Walker wrote:

On Saturday, May 20, 2006, at 12:33  PM, Adele Shaak wrote:

who has the oldest UFO still on a pillow

I may have the youngest UFO - I just started a project 1 hour ago. Four or 5 years ago I made a vow not to start a new piece of lace before I'd finished an old one - in other words, no UFOs

Me 2 :)

For the 1st year of my "lacemaking career" -- until I found suppliers -- I only had as many bobbins as I could force myself to carve by hand. And, even after I found suppliers and stopped wasting time on carving bobbins, I couldn't afford to go hog-wild buying good pillows (the one I made was -- and is -- v. good, but wasted a lot of lacemaking time, and used up all the excelsior I'd kept from my "dowry crate" <g>). So, from the beginning (1989), it has always been down to "scissors or slog". By the time I built up my bobbin "stash" and got a couple more pillows, the habit of finishing an old project before starting a new one was so deeply ingrained (and proved so successful in curbing my wishy-washy, Libra-ish nature <g>), I never saw much reason to change it. The duplicate pillows/extra bobbins come in handy to take to workshops but, if I come back with an unfinished workshop project, it gets the same scrutiny as all the others: snip or finish.

I did, once, keep a pillow and 40+ prs of bobbins prisoner to a project that I'd started and was reluctant to cut off because it was pretty. "Maybe I'll come back to it one day" I thought. But new projects/ideas kept crowding that one out and, when I finally did try to go back to it after 18months, I found that I had to learn all the techniques/insights from scratch, because I'd forgotten everything... For the birds :) So it got snipped off and I've been unwinding the bobbins and using the thread elsewhere, as needed, ever since (5yrs). Have reclaimed 30 prs so far :)

My only UFOs are the sewing (clothes) ones but sewing (and needlepoint and miniatures) had, essentially, "gone out the window" when I started making lace. It just took me longer to get resigned to the realities (like: until I die and go to heaven, I will only have one pair of hands. There are only 24 hrs in a day, and I like to spend at least 6 of them sleeping and another 2 eating and reading. Etc)

Tamara P Duvall                            http://t-n-lace.net/
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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