Hi Everyone,
Just to end this crazy discussion about the fantasy flowers. Jana Novak is a
very good friend of mine and I have therefore always stayed out of any
discussion concerning her or her products and publications, because of the
list rules about promoting and advertising. However, this situation really
calls for an explanation. I spoke with Jana today about Rosemary's book. She
knows Rosemary well, has met her on several occasions and respects her work,
and after looking at Rosemary's homepage, Jana has no suspicions whatsoever
that Rosemary has copied her work. Jana's first book was published in 1985
and she met Rosemary for the first time in Australia, about 10 years later,
when Rosemary showed her some of her flowers and Jana actually suggested to
her that she ought to publish her work. That also rules out the opposite
situation of Jana copying Rosemary.
In the near future, Jana will be publishing a new book which is intended to
inspire and encourage lacemakers to use her basic models and expand upon
them to create  a new design. She actually states in her introduction that
she looks forward to seeing the results in lace circles! She asked me to say
that in  her workshops and books she tries to develop the hidden artist in
us all, and she is more than  delighted when the result is even better than
her own! Also as Jana wisely remarked , " Basic shapes and the construction
of flowers are inspiration for us all"
I sincerely hope that this doesn't offend anyone, as is often the case on
this list with the written word. It is only sent with the kindest of
Best wishes and keep bobbin' along from Avril

And on the 8th day, God created golf courses and lacemakers........

Avril Bayne

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