Jane P said"Sometimes, when the person concerned is grinning ear to ear, you can
tell it is another lacemaker having you on.."

Yes, I have had that happen a couple of times, too!!! --- and I was a bit naughty and did that to someone once. I used to knit for a wool company, checking the patterns, and took time off from lace demonstrating at the big Crafts show to have a walk around, and found the knitting company stand, and one of the ladies I knew well showing someone how to knit. I asked to be shown too - and when she looked up and saw me - I got a very rude answer!!!!!!!!! :)) If I had not been lacemaking there - I would have been roped in to help on their stand, I think!

I, too, always have a tatting shuttle and thread to hand to show the difference, and also a small needlelace pillow with some NL on it, and a demonstration piece to show how that is made, too. A lot of people who do some type of embroidery can relate to NL more than to BL. We display a wide variety of different laces, and usually try to have different laces on our pillows, so they can see 3 of us all with pillows and bobbins that look the same, but very different types of lace coming off the pillows.

We often get some of the same folks coming round each year, and some can even pick up - on the display board - the pieces we were working on last year!! So they Really do take notice, sometimes!

Regards from Liz in Melbourne
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