Dear Friends,
I have almost finished reading a book which was a school prize awarded to my Grandfather, David McGARVIE, in 1902 when he was 10 years old. I can tell you that the language is even quite difficult for an adult. I doubt it has ever been read. The book is called "Crown & Empire - Glimpses of Royal Life" by A.E. KNIGHT which is mainly centred around the life of King Edward VII and was published after Queen Victoria had died but prior to his coronation.

On Thursday October 18th1860 the then Prince of Wales and his wife were on a visit to Canada and the USA, and whilst in Boston attended a ball held in their honour. I thought you would enjoy the description of some of the other folk there:-

"As to the ladies, if their should happen to be reporters present who are sufficiently acquainted with the bewildering technology of the mantua-makers, we trust that they may receive ample justice. For ourselves, we have only a confused recollection of beautiful shoulders, not too much encumbered, of necks undisfigured with chains and jewels, of gauzy muslins, glistening stains, and exquisitely tinted silks - of floral head-dresses, deep laces, recherche nosegays, and all the array of nameless trifles that make up the attire of the reigning belle. A more uniformly set of elegant costumes among 1500 ladies we never saw. The ball, in fact, was representative of Boston; substantial and comfortable; rich and attractive in its rather quiet way; well conducted; marked by good breeding, easy manners, and with just enough of curiosity respecting the guest of the evening to give piquancy to what might otherwise have been a prosaic entertainment."

Oh where are those balls today???
David in Ballarat

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