Hello one and all
            I have just uploaded some photo`s of my laceday on  last Saturday
26th April  on Webshots Arachne 2003 if any of you would like to see them.
As you will see we had alsorts going on during the day. Martin Tuffnell was
our speaker and did`nt disappoint, he was very funny. Telling tales of things
that has happened to him in the last few years.
One of my ladies called Sylvia was on hand to show lacemakers how to make a
Christmas bauble from a paper ball.
Another lady showed a very different method of spangling.
Both things were very well attended which was very nice.
Tea and coffee flowed all day long with snacks
 Our raffle queen was up to her usual standard with lots of lovely prizes.
Something we all contribute too.
The raffle was called by my grandaughter  Teresa who is 8 years old. She only
stopped when she won a prize. Very important!!
After the raffle there was tea, coffee and homemade cakes. I did`nt even see
a piece of cake or a sausage roll. Haha!!      Daphne chilly Norfolk England

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