Hello All!  Just when it seemed that Arachne was *quiet*--up pops a jam packed 
issue!  Thanks Bev & Vicki for identifying the Mirecki scarf.  Way cool site & 
the scarf on the first page reminds me of some contemporary crochet items I've 
seen offered for sale at The French Needle.  Clearly this is someone who thinks 
outside the box.  Even though I keep reminding myself that lace is a weaving 
technique, I still have difficulty embracing the big picture.  A friend is 
looking for her *chaos* notes; she thinks I'm a prime candidate.  <g>  Thanks 
Jenny for reorganizing the holiday patterns & collecting them in one spot.  You 
made me look!  And it was lovely to see such a generous collection of designs 
from the very talented among us!!  Joepie's little bird caught my eye & has 
joined my bucket list (list of things to do before I die!).  What a great motif 
for CQ (crazy quilting).  Thanks to Lorelei for posting about the IOLI online 
lace lessons & reminding me about Jo Edkins' site.!
   More resources surely mean fewer *stuck* spots for newbies.  As to lace in 
fashion, there seemed to be an *ethnic costume* influence in several areas:  
floral fabrics, pinafore fronts & ruffles.  And the black lace manicure 
rocked!!  But it looks like there were some misses mixed in with the hits on 
the runway.  Frumpy outfits with lace are no better than plain frumps in my 
book!  Carolina, you are right--lots of great ideas--so thanks for posting the 
link.  Wow Alice--your own jigsaw puzzle.  That's way better than Andy Warhol's 
15 minutes of fame!  <g>  Earlier this year, Clay suggested that I get the 
Guide to Lace & Linens by E M Kurella & fortunately (!!!) this book is in the 
Palm Beach County library system.  I've been letting my fingers do the 
walking--alphabetically--to look up the laces I've tried to make & ones that I 
aspire to.  Oh my--so much lace, so little time!  Sincerely, Susan Hottle, Palm 
Beach Gardens, FL USA

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