From: Jane Partridge
... - whether the half stitch was traditional or the s'Graves..
(that word I can't spell that has vertical straights instead of
horizontal in the half stitch)

To help spell 's Gravenmoer, lets cut it into pieces. The parts may be easier to remember. It is a phrase glued into a word and a half: "des graven moer". Moer is just a misspelled moor, after all Dutch and English share some roots. Graven are dukes. The 's is short for the old fashioned "des" a modern construction is "moor of the dukes". Glueing and shortcutting, the name of the city thus became 's Gravenmoer. An s is added at the end to use the word in conjunction with lace, a similar shortcut but this time no space or single quote.

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