I just found a similar pattern of dots, in Danish Net. This is a Torchon pattern in Bridgette Cooks, Building Torchon Lace Patterns book, as I have no idea of Toender lace, I cannot say whether it would be helpful or not.
listed as row 1, ws, twist pin, ws and twist
row 2, hs  no pin.
Sue T, Dorset UK

David emailed a scan of the portion of his pricking that he is asking about.

Here's the URL:


I'll be interested to hear what other ideas we can come up with for the
treatment of the center of the flower.
Barbara Joyce
Snoqualmie, WA

Dear Friends,
I am spending a couple of days preparing an old Toender pricking
which I've had for some years. This is a beautiful edging just over
3" deep and I am told was of lace which belonged to a Comtesse
Ahlefedt-Laurvigen - there are a number of possibilities from which to choose.

There are no working diagrams - just the dots. Thank goodness the
gimp lines are there. I can easily figure out all the point ground
areas, honeycomb, leaves etc. However, there is one area which is
worrying me. It's difficult to describe verbally, but it you can
imagine a large-ish circular flower of 8 petals. The central circle
is about 1" in diameter. It is the dots inside this central area that
I need help with. They are simply arranged in parallel lines like this:

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What would you recommend doing with them??
David in Ballarat

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