I made a further experuiment with a garden ornament
You can see the pictures on my bolg.
This piece was created during my studies without purpose.
In 2006 it received an update with Scoubidou bands and a plant stake for
garden decoration
The weat
I have been busy all this week helping to run the Australian Lace Guild
annual Conference in Melbourne Australia.
We have 90 people attending in total.
There are five classes : Florence Quinette from France teaching Bayeaux
Pat Milne - Torch
Janis - that looks about right. Brian Lenin in Australia looking for Pompi
Parry was the last one I got.
Don't worry - you are still with us. Canada was celebrating Thanksgiving
last weekend and it was Columbus Day in the US with many people attending
the Ithaca Lace weekend.
Malvary in Ca
Hi Janis and everyone else
Quiet, yes, but busy also yes.
Finishing my Xmas ornament for the exchange, helping husband with
decorating, getting garden cleared up ready for winter.
Agnes Boddington - Elloughton UK
Is the list very quit or have I somehow removed myself from it by mistake?
The la