It may sound crazy, but having a foot in plaster for six weeks does stop
serious thought!  No I did not injure myself, I elected to have an operation
to straighten my big toe, which mean some kind of bone fretwork and a nasty
pin that did not come out until last Friday.  This was more serious than the
normal toe operation and I still cannot drive for a few days.  Friends and
family have rallied round and I have not starved.

So I have had fun reading all the digests, especially the ones on the IOLI
Convention, for I am coming to teach Romanian Point Lace, beginners and
Intermediate, and also Casalguidi Embroidery.   My daughter Jane is coming to
help in the teaching, yes the hours may seem long when you read about them,
but when the time comes, become all too short.  I am really looking forward to
this and hope to meet many Arachne friends at the Convention.  I am sure all
will be fine, enjoy yourselves, that is what life is for.

Forgive my sending this to both lists, but I still tend to get tired in the
Angela in dark and chilly Worcestershire UK.

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