A message went on the List about a Christmas Card
Exchange.  There were several immediate replies in the
affirmative, so here is the information for Chat.

I think the end of the year is sneaking up on us much
too fast.  Yes, it probably is time to be thinking of
lace Christmas cards.

I'm willing to coordinate this year, if no one else
has a great urge to do so.

Basic rules:
You trade cards with another lacemaker.  Your card
must have some handmade lace in or on it.  It can be
any kind of lace.  The card can be any kind, handmade
or purchased, as long as it has lace somewhere.  The
card should be mailed by Dec. 5 so it will arrive well
before Christmas, to be enjoyed.

Each person is allowed to sign up for one, two, or
three exchanges. 

Think carefully....Sign up ONLY if you are willing to
make some lace and send the card.  It is extremely
disappointing to send a card and not receive one back.
This happened to one person last year.  I hope it
doesn't happen this year.

And when you receive a card, you should email a thank
you to the sender so he/she knows it was received.

Jenny sent the following message:
> Last year I  hosted the photos on my site at
> www.brandis.com.au/2006/index.html 
> and am willing to do so again in 2007.

It was great fun to see many of the cards last year,
so there's one more instruction:

....Send a picture/scan to Jenny!!!!

If interested in participating, send an email to me at
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  (Do NOT send to the List.)  Two
weeks should be enough to think about it....so send in
your name by Oct 25 (but you can start planning and
making lace right away).

Give your name, address, email, and how many exchanges
you wish to do (1, 2 or 3).

Contact me if you have any questions.
Alice in Oregon -- where clouds covered the sun, but
there's no rain.

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