Angela coming briefly out of lurkdom - being very busy at present writing two
books, not my choice but could not refuse.  At this time of year I give my
Victorian Christmas talk, illustrated with tales of Christmas customs, reading
from my Grandmother's Diary, and my dressing up in her clothes.  Always goes
down well when I produce the 'split' drawers.

In my research on Christmas customs I discovered that the original Christmas
tree is supposed to have been discoverd by Martin Luther when he saw the stars
twinkling through a tree in the forest on Christmas Eve.  This is why the
Lutheran type churches do not have coloured lights.  When my late friend Pat
and I went to a Bavarian Christmas some years ago in the Black Forest, we
attended a Protestant Church service on Christmas Eve. The church was plain
except for a large tree.  Not until a special part of the service was the tree
suddenly ablaze with white lights.  We went in a procession round the village,
each carrying a lighted candle.

St Nicholas was the patron saint of children.  He had resurrected three little
boys from an awful death and brought them back to life as a miracle.  He was
also kind to orphan girls.  Because they had no money for a dowry, they could
not marry.  St Nicholas collected money for the orphan girls, but not wishing
them to know where the money came from, climbed on the roof and dropped it
down the chimney!!  So there you are, but I think the reindeer came later.

If I don't have time for any more before Christmas, my best wishes to everyone
- I am still reading all the digests.

Angela in dark and damp Worcestershire UK


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