I've just been asked by a teacher friend from the school I volunteer with  
to support a petition to allow certain drugs to be prescribed.  She has  
Chronic Myeloid Leukaemia which is controlled by imatnib and allows her to lead 
 a normal life.  However around 40% of its users can become  
reisistant/intolerant to it.
another two drugs, dasatnib and nilotinib, have been developed and clinical 
 trials have shown them to be very effective for people for whom imatinib 
has  failed.  NICE is, as usual, saying these drugs are not cost effective -  
although they allow people to lead normal family lives and remain 
economically  productive.
There is a petition on  the No 10 Downing Street web site:
Please sign it if you are at all sympathetic.  The closing date is the  
23rd:  I have just heard about it.
Patricia in Wales

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