Afternoon Spiders All

That would've been me too Carol!! Just think how much money we would've made though, being a tourist attraction!! Hope the 'young german' behaved himself when you were draped over his shoulder!! (and your husband didn't get too jealous....)

Incidentally, you also send to 'dont panix....' spotted it when I hit reply all!!

Chat soon

Sue in East Yorkshire
On 12 Jun 2008, at 13:22, Carol wrote:

Hi All,

I have just started reading Angela's report in 'Lace' Arachne on her travels, and I had to smile! It brought back memories of when my husband and I were in Yogoslavia many years ago.

We had stayed outside Dubrovnik, but went into the city one day, to see the sights. We decided to catch the car to take us up to the top of the mountain - which was a big mistake! I am terrified of heights, but being fairly newly married, thought that I should try this, as John obviously wanted to take photos from the top - but the cable car was a truly horrendous ride for me, which I spent cowering on the floor of the car, gripping the floor. When we got to the top, I got out, was promptly also overcome by the height, and spent the day cowering in a corner of the walls, not moving a muscle, with my eyes tightly shut. To this day, the smell of rosemary brings back all those feelings of sheer terror. However, it came to the time of the departure of the last cable car down the mountian, and John had been trying for quite a while to prise my hands lose from the stones - to no avail. I think panic was beginning to set in, on his behalf too, when salvation loomed in the shape of a hefty German young man.

He asked if there was a problem - John told him there was, and that I was it! With which, the chap hauled off, punched me under the chin, knocked me out, and picked me up to cart me over his shoulder to the cable car. (I was a very skinny lady then - not at all like I am now ...) When the bruises faded, I was quite relieved, I suppose, as I wasn't getting down any other way, but it did hurt for ages! But - if he hadn't done it, maybe I'd be a point of attraction and tourists would come in their droves to visit this strange anchorite who lives at the top of a mountain ......

Carol - in fairly flat Suffolk, so no chance of being terrified at the top of a mountain .

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