On Oct 22, 2009, at 19:20, Vicki Bradford wrote:

I agree about the good smells and the questionable texture....

To each her own "questions"... <g> I've loved roasted chestnuts, their mealy mild sweetness an'all, ever since I had my first taste of them -- off a street brazier, near the Tower of London, some 20yrs ago.

This past New Year's Eve, the host of the neighbourhood party, a Brit, had a huge bowl of them and I was the only "taker". But, *what* a taker! I stood there and ate, and ate, and ate - he had to come by, periodcally, and refill my drink, because I was so busy eating -- till you could have rolled me home like a stuffed pig...

The only other time I so totally lost myself to food was the night I discovered oysters, at the Christmas party given by the President of the Washington and Lee University (where my husband was chairman of the English Dept). As we were leaving, I saw a few people, half frozen and blue in the face, standing on the porch. "Oysters?" one asked. I didn't know what it was all about but my husband explained that they were "shuckers", who opened (fresh, raw) oysters. And that they were doing it outside, because of the smell. "Try one", he suggested.

It took all my courage to "try one" (slimy, raw, *things*) and it took all his manly strength to drag me away after I did :) Took three shuckers to keep me hpppy, at the pace I was slurping the treat, and one person to keep the supply of lemon wedges going. Since I was *huge* with child (my son was born 6 weeks later), the jokes were as ripe as the smell, though they, too, had to be explained to me; I had no idea that raw oysters were supposed to be "love food".

Tamara P Duvall                            http://t-n-lace.net/
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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