On Tuesday, Nov 11, 2003, at 21:02 US/Eastern, H. Muth wrote:

That was me. (I?) I wrote a short play for my philosophy class using Bugs Bunny and Porky Pig as debaters over whether the earth was flat. You may be pleased to know that I got an A+ on it! If any one is interested I could send you a copy. (Although why you would want to see my schoolwork, is beyond me.)

Abbotsford, BC
Where I now have to reconstruct an argument by Thursday.

Congratulations on your grade. And I'd like a copy, please -- if the chat can't/doesn't want to "support" it because of length, then privately. As for why... :)

I'm argumentative by nature, and I *like* a well-reasoned argument, whether I agree with the final "findings" or not; it's the beauty of looking at something (anything: lace problem, philosophical problem, language/thought process relationship, a twig) from more than one angle that appeals to me.

I used to play "devil's advocate" in our classroom debates in highschool just for the fun of it (drove my -- very literally-minded teacher of Polish -- *wild*. Which, naturally, added to my enjoyment <g>). So I'm very much aware that, while it's quite easy to argue a point one believes in, it's quite a different thing to try and build up a "spin" and to produce -- equally convincing -- *counter* arguments, especially if one's private beliefs are on the other side. But doing that is still easier than producing *both* sides of an argument all at once :)

So, I wanna see how you'd tackled that, especially since it seems (judging by the grade) that you've tackled it *well*... It's not the subject or the conclusions that interest me; it's the logic of the *thought process*.

Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia,  USA
Formerly of Warsaw, Poland

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