On Jan 12, 2005, at 14:00, dominique wrote:

and yes, i like english bobbins even though i don't use them. they're one
of my favorite eye candy ....i'll have to find a way of displaying my
collection one day .

You know those many-tiered candy/pastry dishes? With a column down the middle and several round "trays" - widest at the bottom, narrowest at the top - attached ? Have a friendly woodturner make you one in wood. The first tier ought to be set about 5" above the base, the next tier 5" above that, etc. Then:
Either: make slits in each "tray" - ca 6mm apart - and hang your bobbins (thread wound and hitched) in pairs
Or: screw in teeny eye hooks into the underside of each "tray". Bobbins can be hung (again, wound with thread and hitched) from those either in pairs or singly.

Margery Allcock has a beautiful display like that - gorgeous wood, and even a glass dome over the whole.

Kleinhout, in Holland

Has several ways to display your prettiest (and never used <g>) bobbins, though none are as pretty as what I remember from Margery's home

And, during my October trip to Ithaca, I picked up an oversized (12.5" long, ca .5" in diameter) "boobbin" from an American woodcarver (Aebe). Highly ornate, Midlands style, it offers lots of "dips", to hold a thread joining a pair of bobbins securely. I've screwed in a pair of *really tiny* (from my miniaturist days) eyehooks into it - one at each end - and ran a piece of gold-coloured cord, with a knot at each end, through them. Now, all I have to do, is find a place to screw in two small cup hooks to hang the assembly from (before I get caught, by DH, making holes in what hadn't been broken before. He's allergic to new holes <g>). Once that's done, I'll hang my "trophy bobbins" off of it - the ones I got as "thanks" from Lace and the IOLI Bulletin for patterns

Tamara P Duvall                            http://t-n-lace.net/
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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