Lynne wrote:

<followed by Swarfega
(just bought as the last pot has 'vanished' somewhere in the kitchen>

That reminded me:

Several years ago we lived in a row of houses that had been divided into flats and had a cat. The lady in the upstairs flat next to ours used to feed our cat cheese, which she loved.There was a glass-roofed conservatory at the back of the neighbour's house and the cat used to get onto the roof of the conservatory via dustbin and then a fence, and go into the neighbours flat through the window. She was on the window ledge with the window shut one day, and the neighbour opened the window to let the cat in. The cat stepped backwards of the window ledge into air, fell through the glass roof of the conservatory and into a tank of paraffin which was being stored there. Fortunately she only went in up to her neck.

I wasn't home, but DH managed to call his father and they put on motorcycling gauntlets to save getting scratched, and dunked the cat in a bowl of warm water with washing up liquid in it. I arrived home just as they were getting the fighting cat out of the water. We wrapped her in a towel and took her to the vet, who told us to rub Swarfega into her fur and skin all over to kill the paraffin, then wash it off - gauntlets again.

All her fur fell out, but it grew back again and she lived to a ripe old age.

Jean in Poole, Dorset, UK
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