""I like any
satirical political show. We have some really good ones in the UK.

Jean in Poole, Dorset, UK ""

I think "Yes Minister, and "Yes, Prime Minister" were just the best ever. We got them here in Oz, and our Pollies are just the same as yours over there in UK!!!!!!!

In fact Real events copy those shows too close for comfort, sometimes!!! :))

We have had a few lately - and remember, -- here in Oz we have an extra layer of government - we have the Federal lot in Canberra, then the State lot , and then local govt. Over in UK you only have The Govt. and local govt. At the moment the Federal govt, are the opposite lot to all the State govts., so it sometimes becomes very "Interesting", as some of the dividing lines between State and Federal can be a bit blurred or totally opposed!!!!!!! :)

Regards from Liz in Melbourne
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