Tamara, I think it is just which way is easier, really.
Your main surmise regarding the a or an before a vowel or consonant is correct, but, as Always with English there are the exceptions!!!

Definitely keep sounding your H's where you usually do ( don't start sounding Cockney!!!)

But, more and more, the "rule" seems to be fraying at the edges, till
I'm worried - more than usual - about opening my mouth in "real life"
rather than in writing...<<<<

I think many speech rules are being broken these days, - and spelling as well! So don't worry about it. I think the an before a sounded H is because just using the a makes a hard sound with the throat, and the an flows more softly and easily.

I learned the same rules, but we automatically became aware of the exceptions, without really noticing them.

My DH turns on his "me no speaky English" turn when challenged about his English!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - He seems to get away with it!!!!!!!!!!!

Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz.

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