
I just received a couple copies of a Scam Email from the "Auditor of the Bank of Scotland, United Kingdom". He wants my bank account to transfer 15 million pounds of excess money out of Scotland, then pick it up from me -- for a share, of course. I had heard of these scams coming from Africa, but not using Scotland. So -- beware. It's hard to believe people will actually fall for this old scam but I guess it only takes one reply for the scammer to wipe out a bank account. The email address for replying was coded Denmark, but in the expanded header, the actual sending address was Italy.

I don't know how to read the rest of the information in the header. And I don't know where to send a copy of this for the email police. Does anyone know? Is this a case where the webmaster of that email would be contacted?

I have sent fake eBay and Paypal emails to the appropriate spoof center, but I don't know what to do with international scams.

Now I'll take a bookmark off the pillow, and decide what to start next. I want to use up some of the excess wound thread left from my fan.

Happy lacing,
Alice in Oregon -- where rain is off and on all week.  The rhodies are in bloom.

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