I'm trying to make run a simple shaping *through HTB*. I have compiled a new kernel 2.4.21.

First command from
# tc qdisc add dev eth0 root handle 1: htb default 12
RTNETLINK answers: Invalid argument

I tryed both standard tc from Debian stable and
this one...

I tryed htb.init-v0.8.5 from SourceForge with htb-lartc.tar.gz configuration from the same site. The script doesn't report any error, but :
skatach:~/bin# ./htb.init-v0.8.5 start
skatach:~/bin# tc filter show dev eth0
skatach:~/bin# tc class show dev eth0
skatach:~/bin# tc qdisc show

As I guess, it means, that there isn't any class. It isn't, what I want :(

Any ideas, where the problem can be?

Many thanks.
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