Hi folks!

I have a little problem here, probably not related to LAR and surely not to 
TC, but I don't know somebody else to ask.

The scenario is as follows:

Router R has two connections to the internet (ippp3, static IP-Address with 
and a /29er network N1 routed to, and ppp0, dynamic IP-Address), one to the 
local network N2 (eth0).
Currently, R does the following:

- masqerades all connections from N2 to the Internet
- policy-routes packets originating from connections from ippp3 back to ippp3
- firewalls

Now I'd like to give a Host H1 in N2 a local, private IP-Address _and_ a
public, non-private IP-Address from our /29-net.

How would I do the routing?
I tried routing the /29-net through eth0, which lets me ping R to H1, but not
vice-versa. The routing from the internet to H1 and vice-versa also didn't
I allowed nearly everything to and from the /29-net in all of the input, 
forward and output-chains (I'm currently using Linux 2.2.20).

Any help would be really appreciated.

Please Cc' me on answers, cause I'm getting the list only in digest-mode.

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