Hi list,

I have a quick question about the priority mapping of tos bits. The manpage of tc-prio shows a nice table with tos bits and the band they
are mapped to:

TOS     Bits  Means                    Linux Priority    Band
0x0     0     Normal Service           0 Best Effort     1
0x2     1     Minimize Monetary Cost   1 Filler          2
0x4     2     Maximize Reliability     0 Best Effort     1
0x6     3     mmc+mr                   0 Best Effort     1
0x8     4     Maximize Throughput      2 Bulk            2
0xa     5     mmc+mt                   2 Bulk            2
0xc     6     mr+mt                    2 Bulk            2
0xe     7     mmc+mr+mt                2 Bulk            2
0x10    8     Minimize Delay           6 Interactive     0
0x12    9     mmc+md                   6 Interactive     0
0x14    10    mr+md                    6 Interactive     0
0x16    11    mmc+mr+md                6 Interactive     0
0x18    12    mt+md                    4 Int. Bulk       1
0x1a    13    mmc+mt+md                4 Int. Bulk       1
0x1c    14    mr+mt+md                 4 Int. Bulk       1
0x1e    15    mmc+mr+mt+md             4 Int. Bulk       1

If I read this correctly, packets with tos 0x0 would be mapped to band 1, packets with tos 0x2 would be mapped to band 2, etc etc. However, the default priomap is 1, 2, 2, 2, 1, 2, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.

These numbers do not correspond to the numbers in the table above. Is there something I have overlooked or is the information in the above table incorrect?

Thanks for any help,

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