Hi there,

I've set up a gateway machine with rp-l2tpd
(this one: http://sourceforge.net/projects/rp-l2tp/)
For some reason my isp choose for l2tp.

My gateway has two cards
eth0 (local network
eth1 (local network between my gateway and cablemodem
ppp0 is set up over eth1 towards my isp

eth0 ip is fixed ip
eth1 ip is dhcp from my isp through the cable modem
ppp0 is also assigned by my isp
gateway is rh9 with all the latest patches applied

Well it seems to work fine when I start up mozilla on the gateway and
surf the web, but when I surf the web on a client through the gateway I
find that I cannot reach certain pages (google being the most annoying
one that I can't reach)

Somebody told my I should have a look at my mtu , which I did I turned
down the MTU on all my devices tried several possibileties only ppp
small mtu, small mtu on ppp0 and eth1, small mtu on all devices still no

Then I was told to try a tcpdump, so I did tcpdump -i ppp0 -w file
And I got loadsa output when I surf to redhat, but I get no output when
I surf to google.

I really don't know where to look anymore, is it the tunneling software?
should I shape the packets, what do I forget?

Please Help.

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